Indian Spiced Beef Brisket Bacon & Paneer Gelatin Soup

I REALLY enjoyed this soup experiment today! My goal in making this was not only to use up some paneer, but also to make a soup with powdered gelatin since I didn’t have any of my usual gelatinous bone broth made up. Because I was just using water and “bloomed” gelatin I knew I needed a good mix of stronger flavors to show up for this one. I liked that I didn’t have to use any added fats other than the beef brisket bacon too. I made one serving of this soup just for myself and it came together really quick.

Start by sautéing up a fatty meat like my beef brisket bacon which already had it’s own fat or any other meat or shrimp would even do. I would use an unrefined coconut oil to make this taste more like a coconut milk based soup. I used coconut water to give mine a bit of that flavor since my meat and cheese was already fatty. Cut up one stalk of green onion both the white and green parts and add it in along with a large clove of garlic minced. In the meantime bloom a tablespoon of plain gelatin in 4 tablespoons of cold water.

Being daring with cooking can be a little scary at first, but it makes the dish exciting and fun. It is so gratifying to me to eat something I have made that I got a little crazy creating. In making my soup today I thought of this expensive turmeric and black pepper supplement that I had bought years earlier which still had a good due date on it. I decided to use this higher quality spice in my soup. I just wished that since the capsules themselves were made of just gelatin that I would have added them in too.

Continuing, add a half cup of coconut water to the sauté mix, one cup of whole milk and the bloomed gelatin and give it a stir. I opened up 3 of my turmeric capsules add added it in along with 1/4 teaspoon of each salt, brown sugar, chili powder and 1/8th teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon. Lastly add in about 1.5 ounces of cubed paneer. Cook this several minutes more. I was real surprised how the paneer texture and neutral flavor reminded me of potatoes. I am appreciating paneer more and more. This soup was a whopping 39-grams of proteins from the gelatin, brisket bacon, paneer and milk. I have felt real balanced all day long after having this around eleven this morning. I sipped on fresh pressed apple juice since right after and finally got back into the eating mood around five. This soup opened my mind up to many more possibilities with the gelatin and paneer.

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Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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