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    I stopped watching tv in September of 2022. This seemed like a daunting thing to do since I live by myself. With another person there are more activities to do than with one, at least twice as many. I figured I would replace television with reading and it has been a far better source of entertainment for me and so rewarding. Television would lull me to sleep way before a reasonable bedtime. Every night was a struggle. I am sure this is one major reason why the elderly nod off so often during the daytime and complain about how they can’t sleep at night. Then they sit for long hours and atrophy, and then stop walking and participating in activities. Television as a source of entertainment is a cause of decline in children’s lives and everyone elses. I have seen such an improvement in my life giving up the television. I sleep much better, I am more ambitious and I get out more. I am sure my eyesight is thankful as well. With all that being said, there is a time and a place for television. It certainly isn’t for the news, but documentaries and other learning programs can be valuable when television is going to be used on occasion. I would like this thread to be about all the reasons why television should be a last resort rather than a first resort. I would also like some recommendations for things to watch on television that will be good for my brain health. I am sure there are some good YouTube videos as well.

    “An environment that fosters optimal intelligence will necessarily promote the development of emotional health, and will almost certainly foster good physical health and longevity, because no part of the physiological system can thrive at the expense of another part. And within the boundaries of life-enriching environments, there are infinite possibilities for variety.” -Ray Peat

    “…but if the attitude is one of opening and exploring new possibilities, it activates restorative processes throughout the body.” -Ray Peat


      Reading makes me fall asleep. I listen to a lot of podcasts.



      Here is a movie that @Zack recommends and thinks Ray Peat himself would have liked….

      My Dinner With Andre


        I am so anti television. Though I still watch it. It is a last resort for me. I am working towards a life where using a screen will be something that I do only for work.

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      Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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