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      I don’t have the blisters anymore. They were located on my right side where my bra band sits and then around to the back. I’m still experiencing the neuralgia pain in that same area. I was reading 12% will have residual pain for up to a year.


        If I had the blisters still I would try it.


        That is not going to happen to you Barbara. Take the Manuka honey orally twice a day and put Progest-E on that site. Also go to the “Ray Peat Quotes” page link on this site and take Ray Peat’s advice on how to ease pain and nerve damage. I linked that page for you below. Please comment below on that page if his protocol works for you…

        Milk, Grape Juice, and Pain


          I have that one saved in my notes. I keep forgetting to try it though. I’ll get some grape juice and give it a try. Thanks for the reminder. I know one thing, when you’re dealing with pain and not feeling well, your brain isn’t functioning optimally either. I remembered about the grape juice last week and then forgot to buy it and then totally forgot about it again until you mentioned it!


          @J.R.K. has said that buckwheat honey is comparable to Manuka and is much cheaper. I can’t find any real stuff where I live, but it is another option to try. Manuka honey is a natural antibiotic, and the higher the number the stronger the antibiotic  ability it has.  The sugars, minerals and other valuable things it has will be good for clearing your cloudy head  too!


            I bought the Concord grape and poured about 4 oz of it in a glass and then poured the same amount of milk in another glass. I’m taking a sip of juice then a sip of milk. Do you think this is what he means by alternating or drinking a whole glass of one then the other.


            I was thinking like a cup of milk and then a couple hours later a cup of grape juice. I am not sure. I just mix them together and add in some Ceylon Cinnamon and maple syrup.


              I’ll try this method first and see what happens then I’ll try separating them with more time in between. I’ll post the results in a few days.


              Sounds good! I really hope this gives you some relief!


              “Shingles was breaking out bad, was in pain and they were getting worse. Just remembered that shingles is a herpes type virus, so last time I had a cold sore, I used a tea bag on it, (heated the bag in a half cup hot water then cooled it down first) it knocked my cold sores immediately, so I thought “could it also work on shingles??” It does work!!! And it is not a painful treatment!

              I just took a tea bag, put it in some hot water in a cup, then let it steep for 3 or 4 minutes, then took out the bag, let it cool down and laid the wet tea bag right on the blistered area for 5 or 10 minutes, I also took 2 or 3 lysine tablets and let them dissolve in the tea water. I also soaked paper towel in this liquid and laid it on the blisters now and then. Already, they are drying up!! There is a new separation of healthy skin now between some of them. What was a very angry painful area this morning, is now way less painful, way less red, way less swollen. There is a white area of skin around the lesions where it is healing now. I can stand to run my hand over it now and this morning, that would have been agony!

              Tea bags cooled, applied and I did put some lysine in the tea water, but I think the tea bags alone would do the trick! Yeah, and no pain and it is fast fast fast!! Glad I remembered by cold sore trick. This is something I wanted to share because, I would hate for people to suffer another day, when they have tea bags right in the cabinet! You can use black tea or green tea.“



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