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    “Playing tunes stimulates the brain in some of the same ways that speaking does, but without the pressure; for example, people who stutter when they speak usually don’t when they sing. The good thing about recorders is that they are convenient, so you can play a little whenever you feel like it, while doing other things. When I was a kid I played violin for a while, but gradually realized that my neck was much too long, and my little finger too weak and slow, for that instrument. In high school I played trumpet, mostly because it was the cheapest instrument, but eventually I bought an old French horn for $25, and an oboe, and in Paracho, Michoacán , ten years ago I finally got a cello—that had always been my favorite instrument. Every time you make sounds on a musical instrument, you are stimulating organized processes in your body—it’s a kind of nourishment.” —Raymond Peat

    Playing my upbeat jazz music 24/7 is almost the single best thing I do for my mental health, which affects my physical health. Yes grounding is up there too, and diet as well, but upbeat music affects me in such a profound way that it is almost like air to me. It gets me out of my head and dancing wherever I happen to be. Even in the grocery store I will sing out loud if a song I really love comes on over the loudspeaker, and I don’t care who hears me, most times. I do find myself to be embarrassing sometimes. I am so convinced of my music getting me through hard times that I bought a solar powered CD player and some of my favorite CD’s, and I honestly think if the world starts crumbling to and end I will be fine, just like the Titanic sinking while the band played on. I want to continue “Our Happy Music Depository” from the RPF here. It has bonded all of us around the world, through those tough times, in such a wonderful way!

    “Music, dance, and swimming have been used successfully to improve fluidity in various neurological diseases.” -Ray Peat











      Zack Vegas

        If you haven’t seen Falco’s grave, it’s amazing.

        Zack Vegas

          Zack Vegas

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          Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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