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Home Forums Forum Are we on the cusp of a real pandemic?

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      The past four plus years have been a point in history where people who will look back on this will say,”that these people lived in interesting times”. We live in a time of social, economic, political, and some say a shift in power from a unipolar, to an emerging multipolar world.

      Without a doubt the so called pandemic plays a role in this, some are of the opinion that the virus does not exist and for that matter viruses do not exist, this may or may not be true but that is a topic for another discussion. For the sake of discussion let’s presume the virus does exist, and that vaccines based upon gene therapy was developed using RNA technology, that would transfect cells to produce the spike protein on cells in order to elicit an immune response and to form antibodies to protect the host from infection, transmission and severe disease, two of these points have been thoroughly observed to not been met, leaving the unproven prevention of severe disease as the only talking point that the central planners have to convince the populations that this experimental prophylactic. If one were to consider the FOIA from Santa Clara County https://substack.com/redirect/e2fdfec3-30f7-472b-832c-a7de2da38484?j=eyJ1IjoiMTVqaG15In0.sKJX-aiMjVd20c_Uy6HCwdKZVvaOU9fSlvZE-VSh8EY reports that those that came down with COVID-19 were in the ninety plus percent range of being in the gene therapy experimental group not the control group, an argument can be made that these products do not achieve this outcome either.

      While these products do produce a immune response and antibodies are produced, with only eight weeks of safety data recorded and the unblinding of the trial through the treatment with the experimental products offered and given to the control groups, medium and long term side effects cannot be properly assessed within the clinical trial setting effectively or accurately.

      So this now becomes the question, it is well established that there has never been an effective coronavirus vaccine simply because they are highly mutagenic, and by the time you develop a vaccine the virus has already mutated and your vaccine is irrelevant, in essence you will always be chasing the virus with your needle. Even when these products were rolled out they were already in essence obsolete because the virus had already moved through several evolutions. But these products were rolled out at warp speed, with production safety audits, protocols, and production methods in the lab setting and the manufacturing facilities changed without safety data on the final product from this new production style assessed in a clinical trial setting, (some have argued this as fraud or a bait and switch tactic) in either case people who accepted these products have no idea of the effects these products will have on their health and immune systems.

      The question now becomes will these antibodies have put higher pressures on the virus’ evolutionary shifts. Since these products cannot deliver a sterilizing immunity on the virus as natural infection does on the virus, and since countries with high levels of uptake of these products still struggle with COVID-19 infections and breakthrough infections, we have not achieved herd immunity, as lower uptake countries have. So will this result in the virus mutating to become not only more infectious but also make an evolution towards higher virulence at the same time, this would be a potential disaster with high rates of death and infections, that would also cause injury to internal organs as well. At least that is Geert Vanden Bosches concern. I would invite you to view this and comment upon it, especially regarding suggestions for preventative measures.



      Thank you for posting this J.R.K. You mentioned elsewhere several remedies for this situation, which I posted below. Why the elderberry, black cumin seed and tea?

      “If the gene therapies treated take anti virals, keep their vitamin D and K l levels high enough, get sun, avoid PUFA, perhaps anti virals such as now Ivermectin, elderberry, black cumin seed, and even tea has been shown to be effective in neutralizing the virus. They can all help.”

      Zack Vegas

        In order to to know if we are on the cusp of a “real pandemic,” you would have to define the word “pandemic.”  If it is defined as “a disease or condition that is the listed cause of death of at least 1 million people worldwide in a year,” guess what?  We are in the midst of several pandemics, and have been for at least several decades, if not all time.  The deadliest “pandemic” going right now is Heart Disease, attributed to a least 16+ Million Deaths per year.  Cancer would be the second deadliest “pandemic,” at around 10 Million per year.  So called “Covid,” with all the problems with the official numbers, is only listed 7 Million deaths for the past 4 plus years.  So, even with inflated numbers and more than 4x the amount of time, it can’t even catch up to one single year of the second leading “pandemic” of our times.

        Since most people don’t know normal death figures, it’s easy to con them into believing in a “pandemic.” Covid was declared a “pandemic” when there were 10,000 deaths attributed to it over 4 months.  But Cancer was attributed to about 27,000 deaths A DAY when that declaration took place.  Heart Disease, about 43,000.

        100% of Covid symptoms overlap with the common cold and flu.  Yes, 100%.  Even “loss of taste and smell,” which is so common, it was estimated to affect half of all adults at some point in their life back in 2011.   The CDC even admits that the only way you can tell the “difference” between the flu and Covid is to get a test.  How silly.


        “Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by infection with a coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2, and flu is caused by infection with influenza viruses. You cannot tell the difference between flu and COVID-19 by symptoms alone because some of the symptoms are the same. Some PCR tests can differentiate between flu and COVID-19 at the same time. If one of these tests is not available, many testing locations provide flu and COVID-19 tests separately. Talk to a healthcare provider about getting tested for both flu and COVID-19 if you have symptoms.”

        It’s not just “some” symptoms, it’s 100% of symptoms.  It was 100% a rebranding campaign.  Still, it’s nice that the CDC admits that the entire Covid scam was a scam and is a scam.

        If you really want to know if the evidence for “viruses” is sound, go read the so called “isolation reports.”  If you don’t understand the language, look up every single word in Medical Dictionary like Tabers, or just punch it into Google.   And then, go look up the process necessary for viewing a sample in Electron Microscopes (which is the only way to view “viruses”), how the sample is heated to 150 degrees Celsius, and has to be viewed in a vacuum, and creates “artifacts” in the final image.  By investing 2-3 hours of your time, you will never have to wonder about the evidence for viruses of virology again, you can intelligently draw your own conclusions.   Anthony Colpo has been writing some great articles on this on his substack, recently.

        Also, who is Geert Vanden Bossche, and why are you listening to his prophecy?  One reason people fell for the Pandemic narrative is that they can’t tell the difference between science and prophecy.  Science is the domain of what is or has happened, and is necessarily rooted in the past and present.  Prophecy is the art of predicting the future, and whenever someone does that, they have left the domain of science.  Anyone who ventures into “predictions” has ventured into the realm of prophecy, even if they use the assistance of computers and science-y sounding words.  At that point, you need to compare their skills to someone like Ms. Cleo or Jean Dixon.

        While I don’t know the future, I don’t see any evidence that so called “bioweapons” exist on any sort of mass scale, and don’t see any mechanism for any biological agent (including provably real microbes like bacteria and fungi) to be able to cause a mass scale sickness or death event to rise to the level of, say, cancer, or even half the level of cancer.  Obviously, another Pandemic stage play could occur, that plan has been executed several times (Swine Flu at least twice, Bird Flu, Zika, Ebola, HIV, West Nile, SARS, etc) and lots and lots of people keep falling for it.  There could even be targeted “chemical attracts” to make it look like epidemic hotspots.

        Those are my thoughts, so you could basically put me down as a hard “No” to the question in the title.

        Zack Vegas

          I also question the idea that the body needs to create specific antibodies based on the “genetic makeup” of any sort of invading microbe.  This idea seems beyond silly, the more I think about it.  A hunter, for example, would use different tools and guns depending on the size of game he was hunting.  You wouldn’t use the same type of gun or trap on a rabbit and a deer.  Size and speed would be the factors.  But the same hunter wouldn’t stop, get a DNA sample, send it off to 23andme, wait for the results, and then develop a trap or buy a gun for the DNA of that one particular animal.  So why would our bodies’ defense mechanisms be so different?

          Size, shape, speed and other physical characteristics of microbes would probably be the determining factor.  Let any “virus” or other microbe mutate all it wants, but if it remains at about 10 microns with similar shape and speed, I see no reason why one type of antibody couldn’t deal with any of potential trillions upon trillions of mutations.  You can scramble up a Rubiks cube into 43 Quintillion combinations, but it still is easily carried in one hand, in any of those combos.  More important would be summoning or creating sufficient antibodies to ward off the threat, or sequestering things like iron, to that the microbe can’t out multiply the defenders, like antibodies and white blood cells.

          • This reply was modified 5 months ago by Zack Vegas.
          • This reply was modified 5 months ago by Zack Vegas.
          • This reply was modified 5 months ago by Zack Vegas.
          • This reply was modified 5 months ago by Zack Vegas.
          Zack Vegas

            Another question….. how could any microbe mutate or evolve to become more “infectious” to humans?  This is another widely accepted concept that doesn’t make any sense to me, the more I think about it.  Heritable traits are something that affect the organism itself, not other organisms.  For humans, this would be things like hair and eye color, skin, gender, and such.  It might even extend to personality traits, like style of speaking, thinking, ability to run, etcetera.  But what human inherited an inborn trait to make some other animal suffer from a disease?

            It may seem silly, but this is the idea when you are assigning to a microbe to be “more infectious.”  How?  While tiny, these are physical entities, and they have to travel by physical routes, like in droplets of saliva when someone sneezes, if the standard idea of spreading germs around is correct.  What innate ability would a microbe have to make a host sneeze more?  Or, produce more saliva?  How could this be a genetic trait of the microbe?  If microbes did have this ability, wouldn’t that be akin to either something like telepathy, or magic?  Could microbes mutate into the ability to teleport between hosts?

            At the very least, the idea of infection has to be a relationship between host, microbe (or colony of microbes), and other potential hosts.  Not an inborn trait of the microbe itself.

            It again seems to me that if microbes do become “more infectious,” this would be a factor like sheer number of microbes, or increased rate of reproduction, not some inherent genetic trait.

            • This reply was modified 5 months ago by Zack Vegas.

              Thank you for your reply Zack. Your points on microbes are very good observations and excellent questions, some of which I have considered as I add to my knowledge of the body, as well as the origins and causes of disease or as others might prefer dis ease.
              The predominant theory that the medical establishment currently adheres to is germ theory, which your points are directed towards if my understanding is correct. But in the thinking of Dr Peat my thoughts seem to align more towards terrain theory, wherein microbes do exist and we exist in harmony with them provided that our bodies have sufficient nutrition and and health of the internal environment being the determining factor as to whether or not a germ or pathogen will cause disease. I have problems with this in that say that a food product such as ground beef were to be contaminated with e Coli o157:H7, even if you were to cook that product thoroughly you may still become ill due to the resulting depending on the levels of the resulting endotoxin that would remain present in the product.

              This of course resonates with many of the conditions discussed in Dr Peats work and the observation that endotoxin through foods or a leaky gut both involve similar symptoms to the flu or COVID-19 for the vast majority of people. Interestingly the people most susceptible to COVID-19 were those with co morbidities, in particular those with hypertension and diabetes. This brings up a question of compromised immune systems since these conditions are either a symptom of metabolic syndrome, or might be susceptible as a result of the drugs to address the symptoms of the underlying cause to achieve the desired standard set by the standards of care. An example of this would be the use of ACE inhibitors, an anti hypertension drug that inhibits ACE2 and allows bradykinin to rise, the one symptom most associated with COVID-19 is the the cytokine storm, but some have postulated that this might actually be a bradykinin storm, a condition that allows excess bradykinin to rise unopposed in the patient, the symptoms involved with this include excessive accumulation of fluid in the lungs, fatigue, nausea, and decreased cognitive function. In the case of diabetes the go to drug is Metformin, which is a known metabolic inhibitor, this suggests an impact on thyroid which is intricately connected to immune function.

              These points are all my thoughts and opinions that I have collected along the way. The notion that viruses are not real. Your points on the methods of isolation are valid, and my understanding is also that the virus being tested for is sometimes cultured in beef blood prior to testing. To me this muddies the waters further in that many things could be present in this medium that might interfere with the sampling and testing, affecting the final results.


              Zack Vegas

                “I have problems with this in that say that a food product such as ground beef were to be contaminated with e Coli o157:H7, even if you were to cook that product thoroughly you may still become ill due to the resulting depending on the levels of the resulting endotoxin that would remain present in the product.”

                I don’t understand how your theoretical example is a problem.  Endotoxin is not a microbe, it’s a toxin produced by microbes.  Wouldn’t it make sense that a healthy person could handle a higher endotoxin load without visible symptoms than an immune compromised one?  Maybe an immune compromised person gets sick at 10 units of endotoxin, but the health person doesn’t.  If the healthy person can withstand, say, 90 units of endotoxin, then at 100 units of endotoxin, we would expect both the healthy and the immune compromised person to get sick, and the immune compromised person more so.

                Also, considering both Germ Theory and Terrain Theory are both only theories, it doesn’t mean that one or the other is 100% correct.  Remember, these theories were not written in stone by the hand of God and then handed down to us, they were formulated by men.  Even the best and most accurate theory is going to be incomplete.

                Cytokine Storm is another thing that was talked about in association with so called “Covid 19,” but again, it was nothing new, and it was also associated with the Flu.   And SARS, and Swine Flu, and Epstein Barr, and others.  It probably had a similar rate of appearance in “Covid” as it did with the Flu in previous years.


                • This reply was modified 5 months ago by Zack Vegas.

                  I don’t understand how your theoretical example is a problem.  Endotoxin is not a microbe, it’s a toxin produced by microbes.  Wouldn’t it make sense that a healthy person could handle a higher endotoxin load without visible symptoms than an immune compromised one?  Maybe an immune compromised person gets sick at 10 units of endotoxin, but the health person doesn’t.  If the healthy person can withstand, say, 90 units of endotoxin, then at 100 units of endotoxin, we would expect both the healthy and the immune compromised person to get sick, and the immune compromised person more so.

                  Your understanding on this is spot on Zach, a healthy adult can withstand the exposure to the toxin and will probably survive and be unscathed with the caveat being the level of toxin ingested. A person who has co morbidity’s might be less fortunate, and possibly suffer kidney, brain damage that could be permanent a child would be more at risk simply due to the level of toxin ingested to weight ratio would be much higher and could possibly be fatal. The  first famous and publicized large public health outbreak was the Jack In The Box outbreak in 1992 to 1993.



                    Also, considering both Germ Theory and Terrain Theory are both only theories, it doesn’t mean that one or the other is 100% correct.  Remember, these theories were not written in stone by the hand of God and then handed down to us, they were formulated by men.  Even the best and most accurate theory is going to be incomplete.

                    I would concur with you on this point as well Zach, in learning about these theories which guide medical practitioners in their decision making processes, I find that even though these theories are the basis on which treatments are prescribed none have been accepted as a law or even correct, but only a theory. In reading on terrain theory which has been debunked and considered not valid by the modern medicine cabal. I find the basic premise to resonate in some ways to Dr Peat’s work, and in that same vein (though I do not understand the complexity of his work but I do try) Gilbert Ling.

                    This would be why I put up Geert Vanden Bosche’s theory on the evolution of the virus and the vaccinated. This is an idea put forth is it correct? I do not know. While his past association with GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a red flag that does not go unnoticed. I do still believe in free speech and while I might disagree with what he has to say on some points, I will defend his right to say it as a basic human right.

                    My personal take has always been I do not believe in absolutes. There are too many variables on short production deadlines, supply  chains and the quality control and management of distribution of product, cold chain temperature maintenance, handling, injection, and just plain human error in a chaotic environment. So to say that all will be affected in the next mutation is as you rightly put it bordering on fantasy. But I will say that many will have long term health consequences and potentially much shorter life spans as a result. We already see a potential safety signal in the eighteen to forty four age bracket with cardiovascular events and excess death rates. This was reported by the insurance industry of all industries to blow the whistle. I guess they were not cut in on the big money windfall industries during the,”pandemic”.


                      Why the elderberry, black cumin seed and tea?

                      The use of teas has been used for centuries for respiratory illnesses. In this study they demonstrate that tea apparently reduces viral load, with black tea  delivering the best results. The prevailing theory is the high levels of polyphenols provided by teas. They demonstrate that even gargling without consumption can reduce the viral load by as much as ninety nine percent point nine percent.

                      As for elderberry, they to have been used for centuries to treat cold and flu like symptoms. But they can be toxic if consumed raw. The data does go both ways with regards to COVID-19, but the high level of vitamin C, potassium, flavanoids, magnesium and yes Vitamin A are things that one might consider as positive attributes, but if one is sensitive to potential reactions to elderberry this would need to be added into your own risk benefit ratio.


                      Nigella sativa or it’s more common name black cumin seed is another Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine compound to treat numerous ailments including COVID-19 with good results. Of course this is as the name implies a seed, from which black cumin seed oil is derived from. This means that it is a PUFA a fact that should be included in the risk benefit assessment.






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