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Home Forums Forum How do I know if I need to take thyroid? Reply To: How do I know if I need to take thyroid?


    I would say I was at least mildly hypothyroid since childhood. Resting heart rate was consistently 60 bpm. I did not take my temperature, but I was often cold–in the winter and in an air-conditioned rooms in summer. My hands were often cold, and my feet like ice when I lay down to sleep. I took no blood tests. With diet and other Peat principles–sun, red light, vitamin supplements–I got my heart rate up to 72, and I was warmer. Other benefits, too–like carpal tunnel resolving.

    I supplemented thyroid, via Idea Labs Tyromax, only many years into it. I didn’t notice any dramatic changes at first, but about six to nine months in, I realized the chronic soreness in my knuckles was gone. I always thought that was the beginnings of arthritis, and it has never returned. Both my parents had a bit of arthritis in their hands, so I am very grateful. I take about three drops a day of Tyromax now, though I was up to 8 drops in the beginning. I think 8 drops is the equivalent of 1 grain of Armor Thyroid


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