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Home Forums Forum CO2 Reply To: CO2

Zack Vegas

    “Almost all biologists think of the organism as a machine, regulated by information according to innate programs. When it comes down to the details, their explanations sometimes make Rube Goldbergs imaginary contraptions seem elegant. At their best, they usually rely on some mysterious things called ionic pumps, that perform active transport, powered by little motors, under instructions from molecules that act on their specific receptors. When things get unmanageable, the biologists speak of paradoxes.

    – Ray Peat

    Nice find, Lollipop.  Certainly reminded me of that quote from Ray Peat, how biologists would rather start throwing around the term “paradox,” rather than consider that their hypothesis is partly or completely wrong.

    “It might be wrecking the climate, but carbon dioxide is actually good for your cells”

    So, how exactly, would Carbon Dioxide be “wrecking” the environment, then?  Pretty much everyone knows that CO2 is essential for plant life, and it’s well known that when levels rise to almost triple the atmospheric amount (1000 ppm), those levels are highly beneficial to plant growth.

    So now that they are admitting that higher levels of CO2 are beneficial to human and animal life, what, exactly, is “wrecking” the environment?  Life itself?  Is their goal a fully dead planet, with no green areas, just brown dirt?

    “But there’s a catch. In the presence of carbon dioxide — that pesky gas disrupting global climate systems — our cells gain a secret weapon in the form of bicarbonate which helps keep pH levels balanced.”

    “So many diseases, so many conditions have oxidative stress as a component of disease. That would include many cancers, effectively all age-related diseases, a lot of neurological diseases,” Burrows said. “We’re trying to understand cells’ fundamental chemistry under oxidative stress. We have learned something about the protective effect of CO₂ that I think is really profound.”

    Yeah, such a “pesky gas” that’s keeping all plants alive, and has the potential to cure/eliminate cancer and most other age related diseases, and greatly extend the life and health span of all living humans and animals.  Guess it’s time to coin and start speaking of “The Carbon Dioxide Paradox.”

    The article does bring up one excellent point about In Vitro experiments.  These experiments frequently show effects that either don’t show up within an organism when the same sort of challenge is presented.  CO2 concentration is obviously a big one that they are pointing out, but there could be thousands of other unidentified factors altering such experiments.  That’s why all In Vitro experiments should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by Zack Vegas.
    • This reply was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by Zack Vegas.


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