Reply To: Some of my random thoughts on life I post on my Instagram…
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<span class=”atwho-inserted” contenteditable=”false” data-atwho-at-query=”@Cari”>@Cari</span>
I think you summed it up best in this sentence-
“I also give gratitude, but I am almost giddy after I speak things out because I really do sense in that instant things were instantly put into motion.”
From the very instant you think something, it is indeed put into motion. It probably is already created, in a non-physical realm. It does take time to come into the physical realm, but again, if you have no resistance to the idea, or no counter intention, it can come into the physical very quickly. Many things that people want already exist in the physical, like houses, cars, boats, yachts, and such. Even if some of these things take several months, or even years, to build, you could still come into possession of one that already exists in a couple of days.
Carl Jung summed it up pretty well, here-
So anything you imagine is “real,” on some non physical level. Speaking something or writing it down does serve an important purpose, too. With that act, you start to bring that idea or image from the thought realm, to the physical realm. A house is first a thought. Then, maybe spoken out loud. Then, maybe a rough sketch. Then, a blueprint. And then, it’s built out of physical materials.
Your sentence is perfect, too, as you are giving gratitude, and also sensing that it’s “in motion,” which it is, and if you don’t create a counter intention to stop the motion, the motion will continue, and gain momentum.