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Home Forums Forum Cari, I need your help with healing. Reply To: Cari, I need your help with healing.


    “If I read what you wrote,  no corn, but Ray thought it was okay,  or is it for a different reason, as well as milk and chocolate?, they okay.”

    Masa, or nixtalmalized corn, is very different from regular corn.  The process reduces antinutrients, PUFA content, phosphate, while greatly increasing the calcium content.  Here’s a short video about the nixtamalization process-

    If you look for tortillas with “lime” listed on the ingredients (especially when the only others are corn and water), those are made with nixtamalized corn.  They generally have a better taste than standard corn tortillas, too.

    If you happen to live in SoCal near a Northgate Market, they make corn tortillas in store using this process.  They are excellent, and you can often find them on the shelves still warm.

    Cari, it’s good to hear that Ray spoke favorably about Sweet Corn.  That’s favorite type of corn on the cob to eat!

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Zack-Vegas.


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