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    “There was one lawsuit filed by a widow that asked for an autopsy with staining for spike protein where the heart was full of spike protein.”

    Well, this is a third party claim with no source for the reader to check, so it’s hard to know any details about what the lawsuit was actually about, and what test may have been used to detect this alleged “Spike Protein.”

    There has never been a large scale test to demonstrate whether any of the Covid vaccines even produced this alleged “Spike Protein,” despite it being the claimed mechanism of action for the vaccines.  And since the Covid Mythology claims that the alleged SARS-Cov-2 virus contains the alleged Spike Protein, and that even those vaccinated can still catch Covid, it would be impossible to make any claim that a heart “loaded with spike” was caused by a vaccine.  There have been over 111 Million detected Covid cases in the United States alone, which is roughly one third of the population.


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