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Home Forums Forum Cari, I need your help with healing. Reply To: Cari, I need your help with healing.


    <span class=”atwho-query”>Hey Cari,</span>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Sorry you suffered with all that swelling.  As for the foods you listed, fermented I don’t eat anymore.  Ground beef yes, so stop eating it?  Why seafood,  don’t eat much of it anyway just curious, why, high histamine? As for fruit I haven’t dmhad much lately.  I haven’t had much of an appetite for much. I always drank milk (growing up my dad said we need to own a cow) .  I drink and crave milk.  I have been craving chocolate like crazy.  I crave cereal (I get corn/rice based, for the crunch and satisfying fullness), that is why I need meal ideas.  I am allergic to yogurt.   Can’t eat cottage cheese straight.  Ricotta is I can eat.  Can you list foods you recommend, then I can work up a plan of meals.  My mind can’t focus lately.   I can’t eat onions (only really cooked), even then not sure if it bothers me, but raw onions I get migraines just after cutting them, I can’t eat raw ones and don’t like them raw.  So basically I am trying to get on track with with food.  What are your thoughts on seamoss.  I bought some to make a gel.  It has many nutrients.  Wanted to experiment with it to reduce my supplements.   I will start slow with it.  What abot casein powder shake.  I am sorry if I am rambling,  it’s early for me and I have a cold.  Any recommendations for cold.  I took the usual,  vitamin c, elderberry and zinc.  Thank you for your valuable time ❤️</p>



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