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    “Eating fruit doesnt kill anything and fruit is peaty.”

    Are you sure?

    Elderberries are a fruit, and in their raw form, they are toxic, and potentially deadly.  There is a video from Dr. Michael Gregor, the famous vegan author, where he talks about making an elderberry smoothie, and it making him very sick.

    “Coconut is a fruit and it contains lauric acid which stimulates the thyroid, saturated fat causes heart disease even in hypothyroid people, meanwhile beef  tallow isn’t the same, it never makes me feel high thyroid when  I eat it but coconut always does”

    The part I highlighted is another baseless claim.  Saturated fat, of any kind, has never been shown to cause heart disease in any human model.  Nor has reducing saturated fat, and saturated fat alone, ever been shown to lower heart disease in any human model.  The Diet-Heart Hypothesis is still just a hypothesis, because there has never been anything remotely resembling good data or research to back it up.

    On the other hand, Broda Barnes did publish convincing evidence that hypothyroidism itself causes heart disease in hypothyroid people, and that supplementing them with thyroid could dramatically reduce heart disease, regardless of diet (and he himself promoted animal foods that tend to have higher amounts of saturated fat).

    Ultimately, you are free to eat any diet you want for any reason you want, but it’s completely unnecessary to try and justify that diet to others with baseless claims.


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