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    Mike Fave just did a video where he analyzed the very foundation of Grant Generaux’s book, and showed that the very foundation of Grant’s book is flawed.

    Fave lists all his sources here, so you can check his work-

    Is Vitamin A Deficiency Real? Debunking of Grant Genereux & The Low Vitamin A Theory

    Fave’s conclusions were similar to my own.  Since the study that Grant himself sets up as one of the best Vitamin A deficiency studies suggests that humans might be able to go as long as 4-6 years without seeing Vitamin A deficiency symptoms, even on a diet of almost no Vitamin A, this support the idea that either a low/no Vitamin A diet is beneficial as an intervention diet for certain conditions (like the ketogenic diet for epilepsy), and/or that those who see benefits may be from some other variable.  Of course, depending on a number of factors, some may show deficiency symptoms much sooner, many in a matter of months.

    So far, the only person who has claimed to do a very low A diet longer than 6 years is Generaux himself, and since he is the founder of this theory and is self reporting results, he may be hiding negatives, or may be eating higher amounts of Vitamin A at this point, and not telling anyone.  Others heavily promoting the diet are equally suspect, especially if they has a financial motive to promote such a diet.


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