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    I’m wary of taking anything from WebMD at face value.  For example-

    “The body breaks down dextrose very quickly and will store any sugar that is not required as fat. Eating too much dextrose can lead to a buildup of fat, which can result in obesity‌.”

    Well, any sugar can be converted to fat via Fatty Acid Synthase.  But, it primarily is burned for energy and then stored as glycogen before being converted to fat, at least in a healthy organism.  This is textbook biology, and the fact that WebMD skips right over glycogen storage leads me to believe that the author is either ignorant of basic biology, and/or pushing the standard “You eat too much and that’s the only reason you’re fat” propaganda, that’s been pushed for decades.

    However, in overweight and obese individuals, there is apparently an overactivation of FAS, which is probably one of the mechanisms that leads to fat gain, and a lower feeling of energy.  I think the proposed block in the Krebs Cycle by that 2003 Wlodek paper makes a lot of sense.  After all, if overweight and obese people just had “too much stored energy,” they should be bouncing around like little kids, going to clubs and raging till 2am pretty much every night, running around outside every chance they get, not staying in and being “lazy.”


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