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    Well, since the you say you’ve been experimenting with Peat’s ideas for 2 years, to start with….. What does that look like for you?

    Are you eating starch?  Many people who follow Ray’s ideas do, but he often touted the benefits of a no starch diet.  Many people are relying heavily on starch, but to really implement Peat’s ideas, starch shouldn’t be the bulk of carbohydrates, say a third or less.  Many report success when dropping all starch, at least for a time.

    If you aren’t eating starch…. are you sure you are eating enough sugar?  Starches tend to be be denser, so a lot of people who eliminate starch might have to consciousnessly track sugars/carbs to make sure they are eating ENOUGH for what they are trying to do.

    What level of protein are you eating?  Does that amount of protein include gelatin/collagen, or other glycine rich proteins?

    What level of fat are you eating?  This is another thing that varies greatly, some eating almost 50% of calories as fat, others trying to go very low fat.  I think very low fat can be a useful intervention tool, but think that 20-30% fat would be a better default target.

    Are you taking any supplements?  If so, what kind?  Include vitamins, minerals, aspirin, hormones like progesterone and pregnenolone, and any prescription drugs.

    Are you drinking any alcohol?  Peat never drank himself, and I never heard him recommend it, but lots of people who follow his ideas do, and this could be a big confounder.

    Have you looked at Peat’s ideas other than diet?  Like general stress levels?  Altitude you are living at?  Light/Red Light/Sun exposure?  Activity levels?   Do you know your body iron levels?  How is your sleep?

    Sometimes, labs can be a good idea.  Peat was wary of many lab tests, but some can be useful.  Of course, two of the easiest and cheapest are pulse and temperature, and Peat recommended monitoring those two regularly.

    Those would probably be the good things to monitor first.


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