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<span class=”atwho-inserted” contenteditable=”false” data-atwho-at-query=”@Cari”>@Cari</span> Cutting back on red meat to limit or reduce body iron does work. Dr. Fachinni had a long term study with that, and ferritin levels in the group that ate mainly chicken, dairy, and eggs did show a lowering of ferritin, as well as improvements in some long term health markers. Dairy and eggs are particularly useful, as not only are they very low in iron, but also have compounds that scavenge free iron (like lactoferrin), and some that block the absorption of iron (like calcium).
I do think surgery for some tumors is warranted, especially if the tumor is causing problems aside from the tumor itself (like causing overproduction of certain hormones if it’s on something like the pituitary, or restricting a function like breathing if it’s in an area like the throat), but otherwise, don’t think much of the “standard” treatments. Haidut posted a study a while ago showing that simply heating a tumor can be beneficial, it may be that any benefits of radiation come from heating the tumor. If that’s the case, wouldn’t some medically supervised sauna sessions be superior to radiation, both for health and enjoyment of the patient? I’ve even seen some people that accept chemotherapy, but oppose how it’s given. One man chose to do a long term course (3 years), but did a much smaller amount daily, rather than the larger bolus doses given over a shorter amount of time. He reported only minor side effects (like occasional mouth sores and nausea), but never even needed a day off work. He ended up taking a far larger amount in total, but his body seemed to be able to process it easier. Which makes sense. Someone who drinks a liter or two of vodka over an hour or two would likely suffer serious consequences, maybe even coma or death. But, if they drank that same amount an ounce a day over a period of months, the damage it caused would be far less severe, and might not even be noticeable in many people.