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Home Forums Forum CITRIC ACID – from black mold not citrus Reply To: CITRIC ACID – from black mold not citrus



    I am not into eating black mold and Candida. I am thankful that Ray Peat brought attention to this. Again I am in the best health of my life at sixty one years old, but that wasn’t always the case. What I like about Ray Peat very much is that he went against the grain and called out the crooked medical system and the skewed sheep studies. I have solidly followed Ray Peat’s advice and all that I can say is I am the proof. You can partake in whatever you choose Quest, but there is no debating me to take a chance on my good health to eat inferior foods. Less is better for me. I would rather eat half as much good food than twice as much bad. So spend your dollar how you like and I will be choosy with mine and make it matter.  As the saying goes, “It is better to pay the butcher than to pay the doctor.” I don’t take supplements anymore and am healthier for it so I can’t comment on your last sentence, I would just eat an organic sweet orange if I needed a pinch of vitamin C.



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