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Home Forums Forum How I eat a high glycine, high protein, and lower methionine diet Reply To: How I eat a high glycine, high protein, and lower methionine diet


    “But we have to think for the future. What if we won’t be allowed to have cows. I think the future will be more plant based.”

    First, this is again an off topic concern.  The topic of this thread is how I eat more glycine and methionine in the present, and have in the recent past, not trying to engage in prophecy about the future.  I don’t know where you live, but I live in a free country.  The only reason I wouldn’t be “allowed” to own cows is if I contract that right away.  Regardless, I don’t own cows now, nor have I or my family in my lifetime, but I still am able to buy gelatin and beef tendon.

    If the rules of commerce change in the future, I may have to start hunting/trapping deer or javalina where I live, and use the skin and tendon of those animals, or find some other solution similar to that.  But, I don’t see any type of legislation like that happening anytime in the next decade, and even if it does, will most certainly be challenged by some entity (maybe even me).  I’m more focused on creating the best reality I can while I am here, and have gotten less concerned with those sorts of outside forces.

    Plus, in the incredibly unlikely circumstances that your prophecy does come to pass, I would have the benefit of getting stronger skin, tendons, veins, and such from going higher glycine and lower methionine for months/years/decades at that point, and might fair better against a sub optimal plant based diet than the rest of the population.  So, I see no reason not to continue what I’ve been doing.

    Still, if you want to eat more plant based, you can play around with cronometer and look for plant foods that have a better glycine/methionine ratio, if that is what you want to do.  Take what you find is useful from my post, and leave the rest.

    Side note, this is why I waited until I had nine months of experience with this diet experiment before I shared this idea.  I wanted to report on what I had done and am doing, and not start a log going into the future.  I’ve seen many of those types of logs on the old RPF, and a very high percentage of them got derailed or never completed.


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