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Home Forums Forum Dextrose Reply To: Dextrose

Zack Vegas

    Pure glucose is usually used by diabetics that need to control their blood sugar.  An old boss of mine had Type 1 Diabetes, and he would use glucose tablets after injecting insulin, so it didn’t go too low.  Although he would also use candy for the same purpose, he said it did the same thing.  He was acting a bit crazy one time, checked his blood sugar, realized it was really low, and popped a few glucose tabs and had something sugary, and was acting normal pretty quickly thereafter.  So, they do affect blood sugar quickly, but I don’t know if there is anything else special about them.  But, they might be good to have on hand, especially if you think or know you have a problem with blood sugar dips.

    As far as weight gain goes, could it be transient weight gain from upping carbs in general?  If it’s not just transient, maybe it’s due to over activated FAS, or the “Metabolism Block.”  If you add more sugar, or any sort of carbs, you probably want to cut fat intake by a similar, or maybe slightly greater, caloric equivalent.  I think if you have weight gain from regular sugar, you would probably get similar effects from glucose or dextrose in similar amounts, but you could always experiment and see what happens.  Maybe they would have different effects.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by Zack Vegas.


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