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“RP: The blood sugar is always a problem at night. The effect of daylight is to maintain efficient oxidative metabolism, and just 15 minutes of darkness is enough to lower the efficiency of mitochondrial respiration. And so keeping very bright lights right up until bedtime will minimize the fall of blood sugar, but having a carbohydrate meal late in the afternoon or before bed, a glass of orange juice or milk with honey. Sometimes just the dose of sugar is enough to put you to sleep for an hour and a half or two hours. And it takes time for the liver to start storing glycogen, so it’s good to have another glass ready for when you wake up or have another dose of orange juice or milk and sugar. And salty things, salty snacks at bedtime help to stabilize the blood sugar and energy production, so like a milk and maybe salty tortilla chips or puffed pork rinds something a salty snack as well as…”


Cari aka "Rinse & rePeat"

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